Thursday, June 23, 2011


Hello this is your captain speaking, we will be landing in Idiotsville shortly, population too F*#KING MANY!

If you have spent any significant amount of time in a commercial gym then I'm sure you will have come across this particular breed of dimwit! they are the one's with the massive weights and horrible form, generally seen walking around with their weight belts on for the whole of their Chest and Tricep marathon workout, with there little weight lifting gloves to protect their little handy's from those nasty callouses! and sending text messages between sets.
You can usually find this type of gym idiot doing bicep curls inside the squat or power rack!
and they are always ready to help some poor newbie with training tips, having spent more than my fair share of time training and coaching in these types of facility's I have more stories and memory's of these halfwit's than I care to mention,
But they are always good entertainment value, so here is a selection of clips of this I'm sad to say not rare breed of gym rat.

We kick off the proceeding's with the PULL UP, the king of upper body movements!

And if you cant manage these there is always the lat Pulldown!

On to the SQUAT, the king of lower or some might say whole body movements, and a cautionary tale of why you should never squat in a smith machine!

                On to every gym rats favorite the BENCH PRESS
                you have a thumb for a reason, GRIP! now use it!

I love the fact that in this next clip the idiot is wearing a belt for his bench press! maybe it's to help with the glute bridges he is doing way to multi task dude! and why lower that heavy weight when you can simply raise your chest to meet it GENIUS!

Another of the gym idiots favorite's they can always be found trying to curl more than their body weight!

Head on over to your local fitness first and go to the squat rack (if they have one) and there you will find him doing BICEP CURLS!

Complex's are a popular alternative to boring Cardio, a series of Dumbell or Barbell movements performed in a sequence, here is how not to do them!

The TRICEP PRESS DOWN, is a simple movement so simple there is only one joint involved! so how can so many gym idiots get it sooo wrong?

Always be careful when training, your face could be destroyed at any given moment!

                                     Welcome to CROSSFIT

This is a tutorial on how not to lift from the floor!

And returning for the grand finale, if you looked up gym idiot in the dictionary you would find this dude curling 210lbs!

Well I hope this brightened up the day of any one visiting the blog, it certainly made me laugh out loud a few times, but seriously with the internet there are so many ways to get good sound lifting and training advice video tutorials of proper form and technique there really is no excuse for us to be subjected to this kind of idiocy on a daily basis!
And did you notice how many of them had belts and gloves on? all except the ones dead lifting heavy!
hey I don't make the stereotype's I just point em out!

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