Monday, July 11, 2011

Unleash The BEAST!

My new buddy Mike Fitch at very kindly sent me a copy of his new video The Animal Flow Workout, 
Immediately when I started watching this video I could see that it was a quality product, if you have ever visited Mike's site you will know his videos are always shot well with clear and concise instruction and attention to detail, there are too many wannabe experts out there talking in Latin trying to sound intelligent and boring the pants off people! training is not 100% science it should be informative and at the same time also be fun!
and this video is just what I expected from Mike, clear instruction not overly scientific in terms of the language used, so even novice trainees can put this video on and fully understand what they are being told,
The 3 Main movements are listed as ABC those being Ape, Beast, and Crab they are straight forward and are easily adaptable to fit into any strength and conditioning scenario, there are also a whole host of warm up and mobility drills which for someone like me who has seriously neglected the mobility and flexibility side of training lately, are even more of a challenge than the actual traveling animal movements! and can be used as a workout in their own rite.

Personally I think this type of innovative workout which will challenge all trainees from novice to advanced is just the type of tool people are looking for these days!
with more and more people becoming enlightened to the fact that you don't need a gym membership or space aged equipment to get in shape, this kind of body weight training system will challenge you through all five pillars of complete fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, balance/motor skills, and cardiovascular fitness.

I take my hat off to Mike, there are lots of people out there in training land who are mixing and matching different modes of training be it ropes or the resurgence in kettlebells, strongman stuff like sledge hammers, tractor tires, even old school body weight moves, but these are all just that! mixing stuff we already know and trying to pass it off as the new wonder formula or magic system,
very few are actually innovating new fun and challenging techniques which is exactly what the Animal flow workout is! and you don't even need some new wonder gizmo that's gonna be collecting dust in the corner or under the bed in the spare room 2 months after you bought it!
You are using the greatest training tool of them all the human body! so no matter were you are in the world you can have as tough a workout as you want, just tweak the variables to fit the desired difficulty or intensity.

I encourage anyone who has a real love and desire for working out or is looking to add some fun and challenging variation to their existing workouts to grab a copy of the Animal Flow Workout, you will be having fun and implementing these moves and drills immediately I guarantee it!
(and do it fast before Mike realizes he has under priced it!)

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