Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Holy Trinity

Here at the Sunday madness workout we congregate most Sundays to worship our own holy trinity,




No matter how fit or unfit, strong or weak, co-ordinated or un co-ordinated a person maybe everyone can progress if they follow the holy trinity, 
strength, lift as hard as you can for as long as you can! (safely)
determination, decide where you want to be physically or how you want to look, set a goal and chase it!
perseverance, don't give in until you get there, no matter how hard it is or how long it takes, no matter how many grueling training sessions, or how many diet restrictions there are PERSEVERE!

People who know me from a long time ago will remember me as a skinny lazy kid totally un motivated, I was never part of any team, never interested in any sport, I do not have a single medal to my name! not even one of those lame ass taking part medals that you get for just turning up!
because in those days even turning up was too much effort for me,
now i'm 41 and the fittest and strongest I have ever been, and I love what I do, helping people to get fitter & stronger change their perception of what exercise is,
how much fun you can have with a few like minded individuals, rejoice and laugh at how crap you are at something then focus on beating that thing, that lift, or jump or swing or pull whatever it is, be determined, persevere, and WIN not for any team or anyone else but for yourself.

One of the best rewards of my job for me is to see the self esteem of a person rise up, many people are un confident and self conscious when starting exercise and there is no more an intimidating place than the gym floor, 
all the fitness bunnies on the treadmills in full make up and shrink wrap outfits not even breaking a sweat, going through the motions
then the wannabe meat heads with their I.L.S (imaginary lat syndrome) doing endless sets of bench press crunches and arm curls separated by intermittent 15 minute phone calls (I hate people with phones in gyms)
never a deadlift or pull up in sight no squats no lunges just f*#king concentration curls and bloody dumbell tricep kickbacks,
(have to change the subject as I am starting to see red and foam at the mouth) but you get my drift!
Get out side jump on stuff, climb on stuff, lift stuff, swing on stuff, throw stuff, broaden your horizons, and your shoulders!
elevate your feeling of self worth and improve your self esteem
feel good about yourself.
It works for us.

                       WELCOME TO OUR CHURCH!

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