Thursday, May 12, 2011


So when I decided to start this experiment to get lean and mean I told a very old friend of mine by the end of this year I want to look like a Marvel super hero, (if your gonna do it do it proper!)
Whilst this may seem a little bit extreme in terms of attainable goal setting I have decided to set the bar high cause why not? I'm never truly happy with what I achieve anyway as I'm sure are a lot of people,
still having days where I feel small and weak this experiment is truly a psychological as much as physical battle for me, after constantly training towards strength and mass getting my head around being 6kgs lighter after all that eating to get bigger can mess with my head,
but I have had numerous comments that I look much better at this weight, and I must admit I feel a hell of a lot better! and as far as strength goes when I was 86kg I could not clean my 32kg kettlebells now I'm 80kg and last night training with the THING & our smiling assassin, after doing 24s & 28s I cleaned double 32s did 5 front squats and went up and down 2 flights of stairs with them in the racked position, and I am still smiling about it today!
so as you see various comic book characters dotted around the posts on this blog it is not because I'm a comic book nerd its because they are inspirational to my fragile and damaged Psyche,
But I must admit I only really started out on this experiment with a hidden agenda, I read an article about bulking up, I cant remember who was the author but he was saying that the best thing you can do to bulk up is get as lean as possible first, then start eating and training for mass, because you will get the super compensation effect where your body will suck up all the nutrients like a sponge, bodybuilders tend to get there best mass gains directly after a competition as obviously they will be in a depleted state after weeks or months of dieting!
So as you see this is how my mind works, even when training and eating clean and dieting supposedly to get lean it is all toward the end result of being able to bulk up! CRAZY right yes I agree but these are my demons 
and I will deal with them.


Hopefully my mindset will change as like I said I feel fitter healthier more mobile and agile at this weight,
so my goal is becoming less Hulk (not that I consider myself a hulk by any stretch of the imagination! but psychologically) and more Darkness, for those of you who are not familiar with the Darkness here he is in all his glory!

                                          MORE OF THIS

                                          LESS OF THIS!

Looking at them now they look the bloody same! I'm DOOMED I TELL YOU DOOMED!
Wish me luck.

                             WELCOME TO OUR CHURCH

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